chronic pain
sleep disorders
stress & anxiety

  • Being in pain is exhausting.

You’re trying so hard to resolve your pain, but nothing is working. Or worse- it comes back with a vengeance. The creaks and squeaks that won’t go away keep you on the couch instead of hiking, running, or playing with your kid and you just want to freaking live your life already!

Hi, I’m Erin.

I’m a CranioSacral Therapist and personal trainer who finally got fed up with gym culture and decided to do things differently.

If you’ve been told:

  • "You have bad joints."

  • "Just stop doing [insert that thing you love.]"

  • "Such-and-such Method will fix it."

I assure you that:

There are no such things as bad joints.

There are movement patterns that result in joint pain, but your joints themselves are not bad.

Movement is life.

Unless your true calling is being a live-action crash test dummy, it’s unlikely that giving up what you love is the answer. In fact, limiting your movement can do more harm than good in the long run.

There is no single method, modality, or technique that will “fix it.” 

I know, I know. . . you thought I was going to say CranioSacral Therapy is THE answer to life, the universe, and everything. But I am not going to tell you that anything is a silver bullet. What I will say with certainty is that all healing is self-healing- and CST can help you get there.

We find answers in curiosity, not dogma. Your best teacher is your own body and sometimes we all need a little guidance to listen to it. That’s why I blend the best parts of modalities that I’ve studied for the last 16 years and put them in a tasty movement cocktail to address exactly what your body needs. As my dear Auntie L says: “take the best and leave the rest.” Cheers to that!

You can find relief without:

  • Spending hours a day slogging through physical therapy exercises and wondering “why the f**k am I even doing this?”

  • Eating ibuprofen like it’s candy

  • Stretching the crap out of your hamstrings (Seriously, stop doing that.)

  • Yoga teachers who bend themselves into pretzels while ignoring you in the back row

  • Healthcare providers who shrug and say “I dunno, but here’s a $4,000 bill. Good luck!”

Not on my watch.

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on manual therapy that encourages movement in places where your body holds tension. Using very little pressure- I’m talking like two-ish grams, I can find places that are stuck and use my hands to ask them to move in a different way. Once your nervous system gets the message, the tension releases and VIOLA! New movement patterns become possible.

Does CST hurt?

There are no forceful adjustments or deep tissue work in a CST session so it shouldn’t hurt. Occasionally, releasing tension that was buried can cause symptoms to come up to the surface. This is totally a thing that can happen, but shouldn’t last more than a day. If it does, contact me and we’ll troubleshoot it. I’ll never leave you hanging. Pinky Promise.

Is CST the same as massage?

CranioSacral therapy is not massage. It uses far less pressure and because I don’t need access to skin, you can keep your clothes on for the entire session. 

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions varies greatly from person to person, so the answer is. . . it depends. I have definitely had clients who saw significant changes after one treatment and others that took longer. Taking longer doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you- it depends on what you have going on, what your goals are, and what else you’re doing outside of our sessions together.

There are as many ways of healing as their are people on this planet, so be kind to yourself in the process.

Okay, you ready?

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